Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Stir-Fried Tofu and Pork

1 block of tofu (sliced)
1/4 kg pork (thinly sliced/cut)
1 green bell pepper
1 red bell pepper
1 onion leaves (chopped)
1 white onion (chopped)
1 garlic (minced)
Black pepper
1/2 tsp fish sauce
2 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 1/2 cup water
1 knorr seasoning
1 tbsp sesame oil

Cooking Instructions:
1.  Fry the sliced pork up to light brown.  Set aside.
2.  Fry the tofu and set aside.
3.  Saute garlic and onion.
4.  Put back the pork.
5.  Add water.
6.  In 10 to 15 minutes, put fish sauce, pepper, soy sauce, oyster sauce, knorr seasoning, brown sugar, red and green bell pepper and onion leaves.  Also add the tofu and stir.
7. Serve hot and enjoy.

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