Saturday, September 6, 2014


¼ kg grilled liempo
1 chopped onion
2 tbsp crushed garlic
1 sliced tomato
2 tbsp shrimp paste (bagoong)
4 slices of okra
1 bunch of kangkong (or spinach)
1 medium sized bitter gourd (ampalaya)
¼ squash (cubed)
1 eggplant sliced
1 bunch of string beans
1 bottle of branded shrimp paste (for condiment) regular or sweet
1 cup of water
1 Magic Sarap (seasoning)


1.       Saute the garlic, onion and tomato followed by the shrimp paste.
2.       Cook the grilled liempo or lechon kawali (sliced) by frying it a little.
3.       Put the squash and 1 cup of water.
4.       When tender, also put the other vegetables.
5.       Simmer for about 10-15 minutes.
6.       Put the Magic Sarap.
7.    Serve with a little shrimp paste as condiment.
